Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE)

Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE)
Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) - Parkway Process Solutions
Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) - Parkway Process Solutions
Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) - Parkway Process Solutions
Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) - Parkway Process Solutions
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Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE)

Product Code: MYR-6PIIFCE

The Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) is a powerful handheld multi-parameter, suitable for large range of industrial water treatment related applications.

$2,429.00 Excl. GST
$2,671.90 Incl. GST
In Stock - Available for Fast Delivery
Vendor: Myron L


  • Convenient measurement of conductivity, resistivity, TDS, ORP, free chlorine, pH and temperature
  • Measures ORP, the chemical characteristic of chlorine that reflects its effectivity, referenced to pH
  • Suitable for applications in boilers, cooling towers, deionisation, water treatment


The Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) is a powerful handheld multi-parameter, suitable for large range of industrial water treatment related applications.

The 6PFCE Ultrameter II meter delivers performance of ±1% of reading (not merely full scale). This high level of accuracy has been achieved through advanced four-electrode conductivity cell technology, a unique pH/ ORP sensor and powerful microprocessor-based circuitry. With displayed values of up to 9999, the full four-digit LCD ensures resolution levels never before possible in such affordable instruments.

The 6PFCE Ultrameter reports free available chlorine (FAC) quickly and accurately by measuring ORP, the chemical characteristic of chlorine that directly reflects its effectivity, cross referenced with pH. Both DPD kits and colorimeters may tell the user the FAC value of the sample in the test tube, but since the chemistry of that sample is quite different from the source water being analyzed, the results are imprecisely related to actual disinfection power. The 6PFCE Ultrameter measures the real, unaltered chemistry of source water, including moment-to-moment changes in that chemistry.

The 6PFCE Ultrameter II is a prime example of how high-tech engineering can greatly simplify and streamline a previously complex task. Whether in the lab, industrial plant, or in a remote field location, simply: 1) Fill the cell cup, 2) Push a parameter key, and 3) Take the reading. The temperature compensation and range selection are both rapid and automatic. The Ultrameter II is a true one-hand operation instrument, providing practical convenience.


  • 3 solution standards for greatest accuracy in diverse applications
  • Fully automatic temperature compensation
  • User adjustable temperature compensation (up to 9.99% °C) which also allows TC to be disabled for applications requiring non-compensated readings
  • User adjustable conductivity/ TDS conversion ratio for greater accuracy when measuring solutions not contained in the microprocessor
  • Auto-shutoff maximises the life of the single 9V battery to more than 100 hours / 5,000 tests
  • Non-volatile microprocessor provides data back-up, even when the battery is changed. This assures all calibrations and memory data will be retained
  • Extended life pH/ORP sensor is user replaceable in the field.


  • Water testing and wastewater treatment
  • Range of laboratory settings
  • Reverse osmosis, deionisation and desalination
  • HVAC systems including cooling towers
  • Irrigation water and hydroponics


  • Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE)
  • 9 volt battery supplied 
  • Quick start guide


    • Convenient measurement of conductivity, resistivity, TDS, ORP, free chlorine, pH and temperature
    • Measures ORP, the chemical characteristic of chlorine that reflects its effectivity, referenced to pH
    • Suitable for applications in boilers, cooling towers, deionisation, water treatment


    The Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) is a powerful handheld multi-parameter, suitable for large range of industrial water treatment related applications.

    The 6PFCE Ultrameter II meter delivers performance of ±1% of reading (not merely full scale). This high level of accuracy has been achieved through advanced four-electrode conductivity cell technology, a unique pH/ ORP sensor and powerful microprocessor-based circuitry. With displayed values of up to 9999, the full four-digit LCD ensures resolution levels never before possible in such affordable instruments.

    The 6PFCE Ultrameter reports free available chlorine (FAC) quickly and accurately by measuring ORP, the chemical characteristic of chlorine that directly reflects its effectivity, cross referenced with pH. Both DPD kits and colorimeters may tell the user the FAC value of the sample in the test tube, but since the chemistry of that sample is quite different from the source water being analyzed, the results are imprecisely related to actual disinfection power. The 6PFCE Ultrameter measures the real, unaltered chemistry of source water, including moment-to-moment changes in that chemistry.

    The 6PFCE Ultrameter II is a prime example of how high-tech engineering can greatly simplify and streamline a previously complex task. Whether in the lab, industrial plant, or in a remote field location, simply: 1) Fill the cell cup, 2) Push a parameter key, and 3) Take the reading. The temperature compensation and range selection are both rapid and automatic. The Ultrameter II is a true one-hand operation instrument, providing practical convenience.


    • 3 solution standards for greatest accuracy in diverse applications
    • Fully automatic temperature compensation
    • User adjustable temperature compensation (up to 9.99% °C) which also allows TC to be disabled for applications requiring non-compensated readings
    • User adjustable conductivity/ TDS conversion ratio for greater accuracy when measuring solutions not contained in the microprocessor
    • Auto-shutoff maximises the life of the single 9V battery to more than 100 hours / 5,000 tests
    • Non-volatile microprocessor provides data back-up, even when the battery is changed. This assures all calibrations and memory data will be retained
    • Extended life pH/ORP sensor is user replaceable in the field.


    • Water testing and wastewater treatment
    • Range of laboratory settings
    • Reverse osmosis, deionisation and desalination
    • HVAC systems including cooling towers
    • Irrigation water and hydroponics


    • Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE)
    • 9 volt battery supplied 
    • Quick start guide


      Brand Myron L
      Weight  352 g 
      Length 196 mm
      Width 68 mm
      Depth 64 mm
      Battery 9 V Alkaline battery
      Battery Life >100 hours (5,000 readings)
      Operating Temp Range 0 - 55 °C
      Protection Rating IP67


      The contents of this document are provided as a guide only and are subject to change without prior notice, and without any subsequent liability to Parkway Process Solutions Pty Ltd (the “Company”) or any of its related entities. The actual shape, colour, size, performance and/or any other parameters of the item/s and/or product/s and/or system/s supplied by the Company, may vary materially from those outlined by the Company.

      All brand names and product names outlined in this document are either trademarks or registered trademarks and belong to the respective companies.




      Additional information about Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE), is outlined in the product information sheet.




      Instructions for the Myron L Ultrameter II Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine, pH, Temp Meter (6PFCE) are outlined in the Myron L Ultrameter II 6PFCE Meter Instruction Manual.


      Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.