To address the toughest wastewater challenges, we are at the advanced stages of commercialising technologies that enable us to provide next-generation water treatment solutions. Our portfolio of next-generation technologies includes our patented aMES® and iBC® technology platform, as well as several other innovative process technologies, with significant advantages over conventional approaches.
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OUR TECHNOLOGIESAt Parkway, we offer a large range of established water treatment technologies, field-proven in the conventional water treatment industry over a number of years. In order to address the more challenging wastewater challenges, we are commercialising a portfolio of our own next-generation technologies. READ MORE |
In recent years, the adoption of biological, chemical and membrane-based processing technologies has transformed the global water treatment industry. In addition to adopting established conventional water treatment technologies, in order to address the toughest wastewater challenges, Parkway is commercialising a portfolio of next-generation technologies. Since 2010, Parkway has invested in excess of $10 million on cutting-edge research, development and commercialisation related activities to advance a range of technologies with applications in the water sector. In addition to our own R&D activities, we partner with our clients and collaborate with leading researchers. In addition to established collaborations with industry and academia, Parkway has successfully developed an internal innovation culture, where inhouse technicians, engineers and process experts collaborate, to develop smarter ways to solve difficult water treatment related challenges. OUR TECHNOLOGIES
At Parkway, our portfolio of innovative process technologies consists of the iBC® pre-treatment technology, the aMES® processing technology and a collection of other disruptive technologies acquired and/or developed by Parkway.
aMES® Technology
iBC® Technology
Leachate & PFAS Technology
Additional information regarding Parkway’s portfolio of process technologies and related water treatment solutions, is outlined in the Parkway Process Technologies, Next-Generation Technologies brochure.
For additional information, or to discuss how we can provide you with the most suitable technology-based solution to address your water treatment challenges, we invite you to reach out and speak to a Parkway water treatment specialist, today.
Contact Us General Enquiries 1300 7275929 (PARKWAY) |
iWPaaS™ PLATFORMAt Parkway, we own a portfolio of industrial process technologies specifically developed over many years, to process complex and concentrated process streams from industry. We work with our partners to tailor these technologies through our iWPaaS™ technology platform, in order to achieve improved outcomes for our clients. READ MORE |
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Whilst most process experts agree that new or next-generation technologies present an enormous opportunity to improve process efficiencies and therefore economics, as well as improve safety and overall environmental sustainability, unfortunately, the journey of adopting new technologies presents significant challenges. In order to address many of these well documented commercialisation challenges, at Parkway, we have leveraged our many years of full-spectrum technology development and commercialisation experience, to develop an integrated technology platform. Our iWPaaS™ - innovative Water & Wastewater Processing as a Solution – technology platform, enables us to customise and optimise our portfolio of innovative technologies, to systematically develop, validate and deliver a proprietary process solution for a given project. In order develop and deliver these proprietary process solutions, we collaborate with our strategic partners, including Victoria University’s team of recognised researchers, as well as Worley, a leading global engineering company.
At Parkway, we understand technology commercialisation and know what it takes to be able to adopt new technologies to solve complex challenges. Historically, the commercialisation of new technologies has been challenged by shortcomings of ordinary bilateral collaboration, most typically the vast gap between what a researcher may have observed, and what an engineer actually requires. In order to address these challenges, our iWPaaS™ - innovative Water & Wastewater Processing as a Solution – technology platform, provides a completely integrated capability, from the R&D phase, through to an operational state-of-the-art process plant. The advantages of our iWPaaS™ approach include:
At Parkway, we are more than just another product or service supplier. We have a keen interest in understanding your complex water treatment related challenges, and a deep desire to be able to assist you get to where you need to get to, in terms of process improvements. Following an initial evaluation to determine whether we might be able to assist, through our iWPaaS™ technology platform, we partner with our clients to systematically evaluate a given project, develop a proprietary solution and advance the project through to the execution phase. Given the complex nature of projects we are involved with, our participation through our iWPaaS™ technology platform may extend beyond the initial project delivery phase. Similarly, given our portfolio of process technologies is the result of substantial investments over many years, in certain applications, our proposed project delivery model may involve certain technology licensing related fees, to enable us to capture a small share of the value created through our proprietary iWPaaS™ technology platform. LEARN MORE
For additional information, or to discuss how our iWPaaS™ technology platform might be able to assist you with a solution for your water treatment related challenges, we invite you to reach out and speak to a Parkway water treatment specialist, today.
Contact Us General Enquiries 1300 7275929 (PARKWAY) |